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Case Study
SC Pfullendorf
Trainingssessions gained
Game & training organization
Performance diagnostics
Comeback & prevention
How SC Pfullendorf benefits from B42 with the entire club
“The B42 app will not only make my life easier. I think it'll make life easier for all of us. Not only we coaches, the players and parents, but the entire club will benefit from this.” – Musa Avlayici, Coach U13

What actually makes good trainers? They make every player better every day. But that takes time, which is usually scarce in team training.

Game and training organization, stress monitoring, performance diagnostics and care for injured people. With 14 teams and over 145 players, it's not easy to always keep an eye on everything. It can happen that “everyone cooks their own soup.” But with Excel spreadsheets, Whatsapp groups and various training apps, everyday training often becomes unnecessarily time-consuming and chaotic.

Soccer is a team sport. Each individual must give 100% individually in training and in the game. But you can only be successful as a team. For SC Pfullendorf, B42 is the way to work together as a team across coaches using an app. To be able to concentrate on the essentials again: team training.

B42 has the right solutions for the most common problems:

More time for training planning — less organizational effort

Outsourcing athletic training — more time for game forms & tactics

More prevention & mobility — fewer injuries

B42 Feature Leistungsdiagnostik für Kraft, Mobility, Ausdauer und Speed
Performance diagnostics
Just get better
Only those who know the status quo can improve. SC Pfullendorf has evaluated all players with the B42 performance tests in order to be able to work on individual strengths and weaknesses based on the results.
“I watched the players carefully and awake. They immediately saw the positive response and the increase in performance that is possible in a very short time. The boys really stepped up.”
Musa Avlayici
Coach U13
FIFA performance values
The FIFA Playercard is particularly popular among young people. The boys from SC Pfullendorf are no exception. Improve your own score and compare yourself with others — training with the app is twice as fun.
“I think it's good that the boys have this player card. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses profile in mind, can improve their skills and develop as a player. And that is what counts.”
Bülent Alkan
Coach U17
B42 Feature Playercard wie bei FIFA
B42 Features: Präventions- & Comeback Training für beispielsweise Knie, Sprunggelenk, Leiste oder Oberschenkel
Prevention & Comeback
Injury-free team
The best soccer injury is the one that doesn't happen. In order to protect players from injuries in the best possible way, SC Pfullendorf trains with Prevention & Mobility Workouts. These can also be optimally used as warm-up training.
“Mobility & Rehab in particular is very important to us. This allows our players to regenerate more quickly so they can perform at their best again.”
Musa Avlayici
Coach U13
Stress management
Optimal load levels
Incorrect or too much stress places the body in a stressful situation, which it is often very difficult or impossible to deal with. But there is the perfect training for every player. With load management, SC Pfullendorf coaches always have an eye on their team and can respond individually to their players.
“We can see how much and how intensively players train. Players and coaches can leave notes and provide feedback.”
Musa Avlayici
Coach U13
B42 Features: Belastungsmanagement in den Bereichen Muskelkater, Belastung, Schmerzen und Wohlbefinden
B42 Features: Statistiken & Insights zur Belastung von Spieler*innen wie Muskelkater, Belastung, Schmerzen und Wohlbefinden
Game & training planning
Everything in one place
For SC Pfullendorf, there is an end to annoying Excel spreadsheets, undetectable data or pending feedback on events. Whether it's game dates, short-term running training or the availability of players for important matches, B42 is the central location for cross-coaching exchange of information.
“Not everyone makes their own soup anymore. As a team, we work together across trainers using an app. Regardless of whether it's training or a game, all data is in one place.”
Musa Avlayici
Coach U13

Get everything your team needs to be successful