New feature in the digital athletic coach for your team
Personalized 4-week training plans with just a few clicks. To the entire team or individual players
Reading time 3 min

Your time as a coach during training sessions is limited. 90 minutes two or at most three times a week — that's not much.

Developing your players tactically and at the same time introducing them to your game philosophy is already very time-consuming.

So where do you get the time for training sessions on the topics

  • Injury prevention
  • athletic training
  • Optimum basic endurance
  • Improved top speed
  • Accompaniment and support for injured players
  • Preventive injury prevention
  • Perfect regeneration and recovery
  • Development training for ball-specific skills

Good advice is expensive now.

But good advice doesn't always have to be expensive:

Athletics coach: 520 euros - per month.

B42:504 euros - for a whole year.

In fact, you get our digital athletic trainer for a whole year — for the monthly price of a regular athletic trainer. And it is not only in terms of price that it is an unbeatable offer. There is also no comparable training package for amateur soccer in terms of content, as we take into account in training planning:

  • Which phase of the season are you in right now?
  • What is your current fitness level?
  • How many days a week would you like to train?
  • What goals do you want to achieve and where would you like to improve?

No matter where you want to improve your players — we've thought of EVERYTHING:

Would you like to maximize their power?

Would you like to develop speed?

Would you like to improve their mobility?

Would you like to improve endurance performance?

Our training plans are adapted to your goals and will optimally load and develop your team.

B42 Coach Zone Feature training plan allocation

But what about injured players?

We've thought of that too. We ourselves come exclusively from amateur soccer and know the classic problems only too well.

Injuries related to

  • the knee and ankle,
  • the calf and thigh,
  • groin, back and shoulder

Unfortunately, all of them are painfully known to us.

To ensure that your players get back on the pitch as quickly as possible and are optimally protected from the next injury, we have developed training plans for your team together with the world's best athletic and rehab coaches.

The professionals' training know-how for your team

It took us four years to do this. Not to develop plans — but to attract the best coach to our team.

Oliver Schmidtlein was already an athletic coach for the US national team and the DFB national team. At FC Bayern Munich, too, “Oli” was responsible for the optimal performance of the professionals and the best possible rehabilitation of injuries.

The perfect coach to make the know-how of professional teams available for amateur soccer.

In the future, as a coach, it will only take you a few clicks to let your injured players and professionals work on their comeback.

How much time does B42 cost you as a coach?

How long do you need for 4-5 mouse clicks?
If you answer this question, then you will also have the answer to the question of how complex it is to start our training plans.


That's what it looks like.

And what do you have to do?

Nothing more.

In our software, you can get an overview of the current training status of your players and — again with just one click — show them that you see their efforts and thus motivate them even more.

But we've forgotten something, haven't we?

That's right. Position-specific training.

Position-specific training for goal and field players

It makes a big difference, of course, whether your players guard the goal or run up and down the left outer lane for 90 minutes.

That is exactly why we at B42 have developed training units that were tailored to the individual positions.

From now on, your players can fine-tune their specific performance parameters that really benefit them and their role on the pitch.

But which workout plan to use?

That's a good question, of course. In order to know in which area I want to make my players better, I must of course know where their strengths are and where their weaknesses are. To find out, professional teams have performance tests.

Only with professionals? You probably already know the answer. No longer “just for professionals.”

These test methods are now also available to all amateurs.

In the future, every amateur player will have their own player card — just like the pros. This allows you to keep an eye on their strengths and weaknesses and to improve them in a targeted manner.

In this blog post, you will find out exactly how we developed this and how you can use these performance diagnostics in a targeted manner.

The only question that remains? When do you start?

Of course you're going to start today.

With just a few clicks — just like using our training platform, you are now just a few clicks away from being able to perfectly support and develop your players.

And the best part:

You have no risk and can put us through our paces completely free of charge for two weeks.

Get your digital athletic coach on your team now and let us guide your club into a successful future.

Be fearless. Be focused. B42

Get this now Expertise from professionals. With personalized training plans in the B42 coach zone.

Reading time 3 min
die ultimative Plattform für Fußballtraining und Teammanagement
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B42 — the ultimate app for athletic and generational training. Players benefit from tailor-made solutions for top performance, while coaches in the Coach Zone find innovative tools for targeted player development. B42: Your key to excellent performance and successful team development.

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